The Crafty Beggar is a shop I set up for a friend of mine. To keep the inital costs to a minimum, the site originally ran on free software, but as it quickly became more popular an profitable, I moved the site over to Shopify where it now resides.
Having created lots of animated content for their video walls in Gatwick Airport, RCS Pro AV asked me to build their website for rough Photoshop layout by designer Erik Beaton.
RCS Professional is RCS Pro AV's sister company, who provide telecom services.
I've worked with The Eric Street Band since there inception, designing all of their album covers, building their website, and recording a few of their gigs.
Packaging 4 Profit is a compan I used to work for, who provide services for internet marketeers selling information products.
This is one of the many "Video Squeeze Pages" I've built. As well as designing the site, I also recorded the video infront of a green screen, and composed it with the background.
Sickfixation is an "Experimental Metal Project" I did a website and some artwork for.
I also made a music video for them, which you can see here.
This is a quick site I knocked up for my author brother-in-law using WordPress with the aid of Elegant Themes.
I also did the cover of his first book, which you can buy here.
Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, KompoZer, jQuery, WordPress, HTML5, CSS3
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Adobe Acrobat Professional, CorelDraw, Digital Print, Commercial Printing
Video And Sound
Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Encore, Canopus ProCoder, Adobe Audition, Adobe Soundbooth, Sony HDV Cameras, Green Screen
Maxon Cinema 4D, Swift 3D, Bryce
Google Analytics
HTML5, CSS3, (X)HTML, CSS, XML, jQuery, JavaScript, Action Script, PHP, Pascal
Microsoft Office,, MDM Zinc, AWeber, Shopify, Fiery Command Workstation